For the third year in a row, the Eide Organization has partnered with Toys for Tots to help make the largest donation of the year!
Along with Mattress Firm, 2 Vets Moving, Big River Builders, Marvelous Mouse Travels, Aesthetic Dental Center, and Walmart, we were able to donate over $30,000 in toys.
Because of the most recent blizzard, we moved the whole process into one day, but all teams who participated were rockstars!
During one day, we were able to complete three different shops where we bought all of the toys, and drop off the toys in record time! It was amazing to see everyone come together to help out those in our community.
Toys for Tots helps out families in our local Bismarck-Mandan community, giving children the opportunity to have a wonderful Christmas.
One thing that is very important to the Eide Organization is helping out and giving back to our community in all ways possible.
“We are beyond grateful that we have the opportunity to help out our local community during this holiday season by donating to Toys for Tots again this year. Not only do we know these kids will wake up with a smile on their faces, our teams had so much fun doing this, knowing they are a part of something bigger than themselves,” said our Dealer Principal, Jesse Peterson.
To learn more about how you can donate for Toys for Tots, or for other information on how Toys for Tots can help you and your community, visit them at www.toysfortots.com
Also, click here to check out the video to see how much fun the Eide Organization and other local businesses had helping out Toys for Tots this year!